
Su aistra dizainui ir pagarba funkcionalumui

Mūsų pritrenkiančio dizaino šablonai atitinka šiuolaikines tendencijas ir yra sukurti parodyti jūsų verslą pačiu geriausiu kampu. Jie turi viską, ko reikia tavo lankytojų dėmesiui išlaikyti ir paversti juos į klientus.

Wedding Photographer

Wedding Photographer

This template exhibits your unique captures and makes your work stand out of the crowd. It’s luxurious, bright, and smooth – just like your customers want their celebrations to be.

Fitness Trainer

Fitness Trainer

For you, as a fitness trainer, it’s important to describe your services and showcase the benefits they bring to your customers’ lives. With this template, it’s easy to clearly provide various information – from a schedule of training sessions to motivating photos of your clients’ achievements.

Luxurious Portfolio

Luxurious Portfolio

This template is for photographers, architects or anyone who appreciates modern luxury, and aims to display their portfolio accordingly.

Artistic Photography

Artistic Photography

If you want your artwork to be recognized and remembered, use this template. Upload photos to create a full-screen background image to give a strong impression.

Confectionery Specialties

Confectionery Specialties

Pink details make your visitors feel the sweetness of your delicious products. Designed for confectionery specialists but would also serve well for nail designers or anyone who wants to show their handmade products.

Construction Company

Construction Company

Excellent template to demonstrate your completed projects, present your service offer, and show references from clients – everything that your site’s visitor is looking for.

Interior Designer

Interior Designer

Nice light colors, a stylish drawing in the background, and plenty of space to exhibit your work on the home page. Designed specifically for architects and interior designers.

Print Studio

Print Studio

A clean page lets your word to be read and your work to be seen. Several photo galleries and nicely formatted text. The professional look and smooth experience for your clients.

Nonprofit Organization

Nonprofit Organization

The versatile website design is perfect for sports clubs, associations, environmental movements, or other nonprofit organizations. It looks modern, professional, and is easy to use.



The world and possibilities of cryptocurrencies are still undiscovered. If your business is on a way of conquering this field, this theme is for you. Your website will make your visitors want to know more.

Black Photo Studio

Black Photo Studio

Black is a timeless, ever-stylish color. In this template, with a little red it creates an attractive combination. Great for presentation of both black&white and color photos.



A strong online presence is especially important for you as a marketer aiming to attract and retain clients. Create a portfolio of your references, describe your experience and make sure to be easily found on Google. With this template, it’s easier than ever.



This template perfectly represents barbers, beauty and wellness salons, or spa centers, but is suitable for other services as well. Take advantage of the extensive gallery to show off your skills and best works.

Simple Photo

Simple Photo

As Leonardo da Vinci said, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. This is also true for high-quality websites, especially when presenting visually rich content – your photos.



A tasteful portfolio for architects or other artists. Upload pictures of your work and create a background slideshow on your home page. The dark tone creates an impression of professionalism and elegance.



An easy and straightforward page is designed for schools, courses, and seminars, but will suit many industries. Distinct columns with pictures will help your visitors easily find all the information.

Financial Advisor

Financial Advisor

Do you need an elegant and yet clear page? We offer you basic black and white colors enriched with a green menu and a gallery in the form of a sliding strip. Inspiring and motivating. Perfect for business or financial consultants.

Photo studio

Photo studio

Clear and clean design for minimalists. Thanks to the simplicity of the design, the use of the template is extremely wide. Whatever service or product you offer, you can't go wrong with this minimalistic template.

Analyst, Programmer

Analyst, Programmer

Few people go the extra mile to present their specific skills. This is your chance to stand out of the crowd. Use this template to write what you are passionate about, share your thoughts and findings. Build an audience that knows who to turn to when in need of an expert.

Presentation of Works

Presentation of Works

If you don't want to write a lot about your work, choose large-format photos and let your work speak for itself. With this template, your portfolio will be in the spotlight.

Dance Studio

Dance Studio

Beautiful and simple template designed for dance studios, theatres or other artist communities. Elegant design and smooth user experience.



Thanks to its clean design, this template is suitable for visual artists, photographers, and painters. The white background makes your works stand out and gather all the attention.



Are you in a business of film production or motion design? The gallery of your work speaks for you. A short bio and contacts are all you need to add. People are already looking for you.



A pragmatic template with a professional look. Designed for agencies, investment firms, business consultants, financial advisors, or coaches.

Template name


An easy and straightforward page is designed for schools, courses, and seminars, but will suit many industries. Distinct columns with pictures will help your visitors easily find all the information.

Use this design for your site View demo
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